Are diets an old fashioned and outdated thing now?

Maria Tariq
3 min readDec 13, 2020


Isn't the title seemed a bit weird? Was diet ever a fashion. The answer is a clear-cut yes, it was and it is still but it shouldn't be.

Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash

So, the question arises why diets specially the fad diets are in fashion and should this word fashion be replaced by mistake? By the way all these fancy diets scares me a lot for example the very famous detox diet in which you have to starve followed by a strict diet of fruits, vegetables, juices etc. O my God! The next level of cruelty.

Photo by Vika Aleksandrova on Unsplash

So now’s the time for sharing some insights:

Quick weight loss plus prolonged side effects: Any diet which offers you a quick weight loss in minimum time say in 7 days is a crap. It is not a healthy and sustained weight loss plus blesses you side effects in disguise. For example the amazing keto diet uses fats for energy source in turn of carbs. In return makes your body acidic and after that weight loss you gain double that weight.

Neglecting your skin, hairs and nails: Healthy skin, hair and nails are as important as perfect body shape or maybe more than that. You want a picture-perfect body with chipped nails, hair fall and flaky skin. Sorry not a good deal.

Starving is equal to crime: When you are starving believe me you do not love yourself, you just want approval or compliment from another person.

Missing out macronutrient: Fad diets generally demand you to miss out on macronutrient namely carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Carbohydrates are the biggest enemies. Buddy! you think because of carbs but you can afford to be cranky or irritable. Similarly high protein unnecessarily damages your kidney

Personal and professional lives at risk: Its a bit indirect thing but when you are constantly whining that you are not allowed to have this or that or today I will skip the dinner. You just miss out on the joys of life which affects your relationships and work. Appetite is the one sign that you still enthusiastic to live life

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

I am a student of nutrition and dietetics so people think my job is to give them diet plans that reduce 10 kg in 2 months for some event or fitting into particular kind of dress. No, I am here to give you diet plan of the food you enjoy eating ,what you are grown up eating (now that's doesn't mean junk food) ,which give you full nutrition profile to live, analyze, work and rest.

Photo by Helmuts Rudzitis on Unsplash

